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With the changing world because of Covid-19, healthcare has also started to make adjustments. In addition to home visits now including wearing masks and gloves, virtual visits are available. Some parts of this visit may be different, but the care and compassion and dedication that Jamie brings will not change. Jamie is still here to support you, virtually.

What will remain the same in a virtual visit?

  •  extensive history is taken 

  • visualization of anatomy of infant and mothers breasts/chest

  • assistance with latch and positioning during entire breastfeeding/chestfeeding session

  • extensive discussion and education

  • addressing all concerns

  • development of a plan we are all comfortable with

  • follow up email and continued contact and care

What will be different in a virtual visit?

  •  Inability to perform weighted feedings (Instead, if this is needed, Jamie will encourage you to do a weighted feed at your next pediatrician visit

  • Thorough oral anatomy exam (Jamie will ask you to send photos of the mouth including upper and lower frenulums, videos of nursing sessions and the infant crying to visualize the tongue lift, and will ask the partner or support person to move the phone for the best angels.)

How can we have the most successful Virtual Visit?

  • well lit area

  • good internet connection

  • a partner or support person to move the phone to get the best angles

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